And after we got her home and in her Lazy Boy Recliner (and got her to stop puking) this is what her toes looked like! The Pins go straight in her 4 toes and then bend up at the end of her toes and there are yellow plastic tips on them to keep them from snagging on stuff.

This is a picture of the screen showing the x-rays 1 week after the surgery. You can see how long the pins are (I estimate they are about 5 or 6 inches long from the tip of her toes to the inside of the foot). They are there to keep the toes aligned.

Now, this is the worst of all the pictures. I call her "Mollie Scissor Toes" and this picture proves Frankenstein had something to do with it! The stitches are out now, but I wasn't there to get the pic. Dr. Harlan told her to stay off her foot now, because she was doing too much and it was swelling.

In about 6-8 weeks the pins come out. When the left foot is healed, it will be the right foot's turn. It will be much longer before she can drive after that foot. Volunteers call at your earliest convenience!
Mom is such a trooper. She puked in my new car...but she used a garbage can I brought...just in case! WHEW! She took maybe 2 pain pills since surgery. She was driving again after 1 week. But she is tired of cooking, so anyone who cooks can come see her anytime! (you can come see her and not cook, too!)